Thursday, January 12, 2006

New realities at Strait Island

There are Four primitive tribes living in Anadaman Islands since times imemorial. One of these tribes is Great Andamanese(negrito stock) which were originally ten different tribes but due to various reasons their population dwindled and therefore, they are now collectively called Great Andamanese(GA). GA at one point of time numbered more than 3000 but now they are reduced to just 43 people out of which only 27 are adults(11 males and 16 females) and the rest are children(as on 12 Jan'06).

Orginally GA used to live all across Andaman Islands(from North to South). since 1962, they have been settled in Strait Island-a tribal reserve (a small island around 56 Kms from Portblair) by the Andaman administration. A special committee aptely named Andaman Aadim Jati Vikas Samiti (AAJVS) has been entrusted with the upkeep of all primitive tribses including GA.
AAJVS comes under the perview of Tribal Welfare department and is headed by an executive seceretary of commissionar rank.AAJVS provides monthly ration, medical facilities etc to GA.
But today when you talk to any GA, you will find a deep anguish inside them for AAJVS people.
AAJVS staff deputed at Strait Island resort to holding back their monthly ration if their demands were not met.

Some time ago a social worker lured a GA girl to have a physical relationship with him by promising her that he would marry her but later absconded.
In an another incident a teacher deputed at strait island to teach GA children took one of the young girl for outing and later forced her to have sex with him.But the pain did not end there while they were coming back from Carbyn's cove beach (a place in Portblair), they were intercepted by some men and later the girl was gang raped and then left back home.
Infact inspite knowing the incident AAJVS took no action and both the social worker n the teacher are still moving freely with employment.

Young men in GA community dread going to AAJVS office at Portblair because they are always abused and humiliated by all and sundry at AAJVS.The executive secereatry threatens them to get them arrested by the police.

And when you talk about GA people from AAJVS staff they would always say that GA men are drunkards and GA women are characterless.
Amazingly despite saying that, the reality is, fathers of almost all the newborns in GA community are from AAJVS.

Men in GA community mostly live a lonely and secluded life away from their wives.Most women stay at Portblair and do not have good terms with their spouses.

Yes, there is alcohol addiction among GA men but this vice also has been introduced to them by the social workers and other staff at Strait Island.

General public also shares the same notions about the GA community.They are addressed as 'Junglis' by the local folk.

One of the GA men told us that the fate of the 'Onges', another primitive tribe of Andamans, will be the same.Right now Onges are also catered by AAJVS.
More insights to come.

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